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Biotechnology Colleges in Mumbai
Biotechnology Education in Mumbai
Biotechnology is not a new field in science. Humans have been experimenting with biotechnological progresses since the early days of farming. Biotechnology is a technology based on biology, especially when used in agriculture, food science and medicine. Biotechnology connects fields like genetics, molecular biology, biochemistry, embryology and cell biology. Biotechnology is often used to refer to genetic engineering technology of the 21st century, however, the term encompasses, a wider range and history of procedures for modifying biological organisms according to the needs of humanity, going back to initial modifications of native plants in to improved food crops through artificial selection and hybridization, Bioengineering is the science upon which all Biotechnological applications are based.
Before 1971, the word biotechnology was primarily applied in the food processing and agriculture industries. Biotechnology along with a traditional field is developing fast because of its importance in industry, agriculture, pharmaceutical concerns, public health, biological explorations, biogenetics and as a mean to expand new sources of energy useful for different uses. The Mumbai University Department of Biotechnology, founded in the year 1997, conducts two years Post graduate degree course at Vidyanagari campus to offer to the requires of the students for modern Biotechnology. The syllabus has been planned by the faculty to stand for major areas of Biotechnology. At present the course being conducted in the life Sciences Department of the University. The subject is taught by experienced teachers of the University and the visiting lecturers from B.A.R.C, C.R.I, T.I.F.R. and different other colleges. The Biotechnology Department of the University is full of strength and enthusiasm and has been provided with modern stylish state of the art facilities including Computer and internet.
There are certain criteria for admission to Biotechnology program. Apart from educational merit the candidate should have some extra skills like: patience, stamina to study hard for long periods, good health, cool temperament, strong interpersonal skills, concentration power, critical and logical thinking, accuracy and an eager eye for details. This page provides the list of famous and recognized Biotechnology colleges in Mumbai. We have compiled the list giving their complete postal address, telephone numbers, website address, courses offered and number of seats available with each particular institute.
Biotechnology Colleges in Mumbai
Bhavan’s College, (affiliated to the University of Mumbai) Munshi Nagar, Andheri (W), Mumbai- 58 Tel. No. 2623 21 91, (Off.) 2623 37 89 (Prin.) Fax No. 26234552 Email: brbhavan@bom7.vsnl.net.in Website: http://www.bhavans.info
| Department of Biotechnology, University of Mumbai University of Mumbai, Vidyanagari, Santacruz (East), Mumbai -400 098 Tel: 26526053, 26528822. Website: http://www.mu.ac.in Course: M.Sc. (Biotechnology) |
Department Of Biotechnology, Ramniranjan Jhunjhunwala College Opp Rly Stn, Ghatkopar W, Mumbai – 400084 Tel: 91-22-25152731, 91-22-25151763 Email: srams@vsnl.net Courses: B.Sc. Biotechnology, M.Sc. (Biotechnology) |
Kelkar Education Trust’s Vinayak Ganesh Vaze College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Mithagar Road, Mulund (E), Mumbai- 81 Telephone 21631421, 21631423 Website: http://www.vazecollege.net Course: B.Sc. Biotechnology
| Kishinchand Chellaram College, 124, Dinshaw Wachha Rd Churchgate, Mumbai- 20 Tel: 91-22-2285 5726, 2202 0132. Fax: 91-22-2202 9092 E-Mail — kccollege@rediffmail.com Website: http://www.kccollege.org.in Course: B.Sc. Biotechnology
| Patkar College of Arts & Science & V.P Varde College of Commerce, S.V.Road, Goregoan (W) Mumbai- 62 Tel. 2872 3731 / 2872 1875 (Office), 2878 1188 (Non-aided Courses) E-Mail info@patkarvardecollege.edu.in Website: http://www.patkarvardecollege.edu.in Course: B.Sc. Biotechnology | R.D. National College of Arts & Commerce & W.A. Sci. College, Linking Road, Bandra (W), Mumbai - 400 050 Tel.: +91-22-26041777 / +91-22-26483544 Fax: +91-22-26242620 E-mail: rdnationalcollege@yahoo.com Website: http://www.ruiacollege.edu Course: Bachelor of Biotechnology
| Rizvi College of Arts, Science & Commerce Rizvi Complex, Opp. Carter Road, Sherly Rajan Road, Bandra (W), Mumbai- 50 Tel: + (91)-(22)-26050624, 26044196, 26041972 Fax: + (91)-(22)-26002744 Email: rca@bom2.vsnl.net.in Website: http://www.rizvicollege.com Course: Bachelor of Biotechnology
| | School of Bioscience & Bioengineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai-400076, INDIA Phone: +91-22-2576-7771 Fax: +91-22-25723480 E-mail: bioschool@iitb.ac.in Website: www.btc.iitb.ac.in Course: M.Sc. (Biotechnology)
| Sophia College Bhulabhai Desai Rd. Mumbai- 26 Tel.: 2351 2642 / 2352 3304 Fax: 2351 3183 Email: sophiacollegemumbai@gmail.com, info@sophiacollegemumbai.com Website: http://www.sophiacollegemumbai.com Courses: B.Sc. Biotechnology, M.Sc. (Biotechnology)
| S.P.Mandalie's Ramnarain Ruia College, L N Road, Nr Matunga Central Rly Stn, Matunga, Mumbai - 400019 Tel: + (91)-(22)-24143098, 24143119, 24118841, 24141335 Email: ruiacs@vsnl.com Website: http://www.ruiacollege.edu Course: Bachelor of Biotechnology
| Sheth LU Jhaveri College of Arts & Sir MV College of Science & Commerce S Radhakrishnan Road Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400 069 Course: Bachelor of Biotechnology
| Vivekananda Education Society’s College of Arts, Science & Commerce Sindhi Society, Next To Chaggan Mitha, Chembur E, Mumbai - 400071 Tel: + (91)-(22)-25227470, 25227514, 25227338, 25227430 Email: vsasc@vsnl.net Website: www.vesac.com Course: B Sc Biotechnology
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